SYNTECH POLIUREA is a two-component resin based on pure polyurea with high elasticity and very fast cross-linking to be applied by hot spraying, for continuous coating, protection and waterproofing, of the most different building materials, in their complex surface and structural joints.

The pure polyurea is an elastomer coating obtained by polyaddition of an aliphatic or aromatic diisocyanate with a diamine. Structurally it is characterized by the repetition of units -RNH (CO) NHR’-, practically a bi-substituted urea molecule.

The polymerization reaction is similar to process of the inception formation of polyurethanes. For the past 30 years it has been used for waterproofing, paving, protection of concrete, protection and encapsulation of fiber cement, metal surfaces, fiberglass surfaces, food and drinking water containers, for coatings of tanks and various containers.

SYNTECH POLIUREA viene applicata per uno spessore non inferiore a 2 mm con particolari pompe di tipo airless bimixer ad alta pressione (circa 210 bar) e vaporizzata a caldo (circa 70°C) su qualsiasi tipologia di materiale (calcestruzzo, vecchie guaine bituminose, gres porcellanato, ceramica, cotto, mattonelle in graniglia, legno, ferro, lamiera, polistirolo, poliuretano, ecc.), anche con geometrie complesse (previo opportuna preparazione dei supporti di applicazione e stesura di specifico primer), reticolando e solidificandosi nel giro di pochi secondi.

Questa tecnologia permette di costruire in situ una membrana elastica (da 400 a 600% di deformabilità) continua, senza giunti o interruzioni, subito calpestabile, istantaneamente impermeabile, in grado di fornire, nello stesso tempo, le caratteristiche di elevatissima elasticità delle usuali membrane impermeabilizzanti e le proprietà di resistenza all’abrasione, allo slittamento e scivolamento dei rivestimenti antiusura. Per ogni tipo di fondo e applicazione verrà di volta in volta valutato il tipo di poliurea da utilizzare (flessibilità durezza e contenuto).

La Marcatura CE e le innumerevoli caratteristiche dei prodotti che contemplano la tecnologia SYNTECH POLIUREA, sono certificate da Istituti specializzati: prova di impermeabilità, elasticità, contatto con acqua potabile, permeabilità, abrasione, adesione, anti slip, durabilità, flessibilità, tossicità, resistenze chimiche e dichiarazione sulla purezza della Poliurea.


Totally impermeable to water – Encapsulates every type of support and material – Continuity and mouldability of the coating – Continuous spray waterproofing without interruptions, junctions and overlaps – Very high deformability (from 400% to 600%) – Crack bridging ability – Exceptional mechanical and chemical resistance – Perfectly non-slip – Solvent-free and odorless – Certified for contact with drinking water – Applicable at temperatures between -15 °C to + 70 °C – Speed of application and very fast hardening (6-8 seconds) – Walkable after 60 seconds – Short interruptions in the operating times of premises – Immediacy of the most significant services.


Sheet metal roofs of industrial sheds – Roofs covered with photovoltaic panels – Roof gardens – Concrete – Old bituminous membranes without removal of the existing ones – Terraces in porcelain stoneware, ceramic, clay or grit tiles – Wooden roofs – Iron structures – Insulating panels in polystyrene – Waterproofing against ground – Continuous waterproofing without joints, horizontal or vertical – Water containment tanks – Polystyrene scenographies and sculptures for playgrounds.


The products of the SYNTECH POLIUREA series, exclusively intended for professional users, must be handled in strict consistency with the data provided by the Safety Data Sheets, wearing appropriate gloves, goggles and protective clothing.